Christian Courtship and Marriage


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SKU: 118-8944
UPC: 9780739925959
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Most youth are keenly interested in courtship and marriage because God has planted in almost everyone the desire for companionship. These seeds are always good and right in themselves, for they fill a God-ordained role in courtship and marriage. But Satan also takes an evil interest in the seeds that God plants, and he likes nothing better than to warp your ideals with his seeds of selfishness, pride, self-will, and lust. If allowed to grow, these seeds will send a courtship into sin and woe. They produce marriages that can best be described as hell on earth. God’s seeds bring good results. If you faithfully uproot Satan’s weeds and allow God’s pure plants to grow in your heart, courtship becomes enjoyable, and marriage, bliss. This book points out Satan’s evil seedlings and how to uproot them, or better yet, how to never let them germinate. It will also help you to till the soil of your heart so God’s good seeds can grow in health and vigor. Will you allow your heart to be receptive to God’s seeds?