The young Haven brothers, Bob and Darry start up a printing shop in Pleasantville. A flurry of adventures follow hard on their heels. Scheming competitors stop at nothing to discredit the Havens’ weekly paper’ the Pleasantville Herald and put the brothers out of business. The boy publishers prove time and time again that success is built on morally correct principles Imagine the excitement when bitter rival Hemp Carson from the Pleasantville Eagle abducts Bob in a attempt to pilfer the “scoop of the century”
“Give me the details,” Carson demands, “divide up the honors with the eagle here and now.
“And otherwise?” challenged Bob.
“Why,” said Carson with a harsh laugh, tightening his powerful grip on his captive, “then you come with me. Half a mile down the road lives a particular friend of mine. I’ll take you there and search you.”
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