The Imitation of Christ -Hendrickson Christian Classics


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SKU: 122-0586
UPC: 9781598566864

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Book 1. Helpful Thoughts in the Life of the Soul — Imitating Christ and Despising All Vanities on Earth — Having a Humble Opinion of Self — The Doctrine of Truth — Prudence in Action — Reading the Holy Scripture — Unbridled Affections — Avoiding False Hope and Pride — Shunning Over-Familiarity — Obedience and Subjection — Avoiding Idle Talk — Acquiring Peace and Zeal for Perfection — The Value of Adversity — Resisting Temptation — Avoiding Rash Judgment — Works Done in Charity — Bearing with the Faults of Others — Monastic Life — The Example Set Us by the Holy Fathers — The Practices of a Good Religious Person — The Love of Solitude and Silence — Sorrow of Heart — Thoughts on the Misery of Man — Thoughts on Death — Judgment and the Punishment of Sin — Zeal in Amending our Lives — Book 2. The Interior Life — Meditation — Humility — Goodness and Peace in Man — Purity of Mind and Unity of Purpose — Ourselves — The Joy of a Good Conscience — Loving Jesus Above All Things — The Intimate Friendship of Jesus — Wanting No Share in Comfort — Appreciating God’s Grace — Few Love the Cross of Jesus — The Royal Road of the Holy Cross — Book 3. Internal Consolation — The Inward Conversation of Christ with the Faithful Soul — Truth Speaks Inwardly without the Sound of Words — Listen Humbly to the Words of God. Many Do not Heed them — We must walk before God in Humility and Truth — The Wonderful Effect of Divine Love — The Proving of a True Lover — Grace must be Hidden under the Mantle of Humility — Self-Abasement in the Sight of God — All Things should be referred to God as their Last End — To Despise the World and Serve God is Sweet — The Longings of our Hearts must be Examined and Moderated — Acquiring Patience in the Eight against Concupiscence — The obedience of One Humbly Subject to the Example of Jesus Christ — Consider the Hidden Judgments of God Lest you become proud of your own Good deeds — How One should Feel and Speak on every Desirable Thing — True Comfort is to be sought in God Alone — All our Cate is to be placed in God — Temporal Sufferings should be Borne Patiently, after the example of Christ — True Patience in Suffering — Confessing Our Weakness in the Miseries of Life — Above all Goods and all Gifts we must Rest in God — Remember the Innumerable Gifts of God — Four Things which bring Great Peace — Avoiding Curious Inquiry about the Lives of Others — The Basis of Firm Peace of Heart and True Progress — The Excellence of a Free Mind, Gained Through Prayer Watcher Than By Study — Self-Love is the Greatest Hindrance to the Highest Good — Strength Against Slander — How We Must Call Upon and Bless the Lord When Trouble Presses — The Quest of Divine Help and Confidence in Regaining Grace — To Find the Creator, Forsake All Creatures — Self-Denial and the Renunciation of Evil Appetites — Restlessness of Soul-Directing Our Final Intention Toward God — God is Sweet Above All Things and in All Things to Those Who Love Him — There is No Security from Temptation in This Life — The Vain Judgments of Men — Pure and Entire Resignation of Self to Obtain Freedom of Heart — The Right Ordering of External Affairs; Recourse to God in dangers — A Man Should Not Be Unduly Solicitous About His Affairs — Man Has No Good in Himself and Can Glory in Nothing — Contempt for All Earthly Honor — Peace is Not to Be Placed in Men — Beware Vain and Worldly Knowledge — Do Not Be Concerned About Outward Things — All Men Are Not to Be Believed, for It Is Easy to Err in Speech — Trust in God Against Slander — Every Trial Must be Borne for the Sake of External Life — The Day of Eternity and the Distresses of This Life — The Desire of Eternal Life; the Great Rewards Promised to Those Who Struggle — How a Desolate Person Ought to Commit Himself into the Hands of God — When We cannot Attain to the Highest, We Must Practice the Humble Works — A Man Ought Not to Consider Himself Worthily of Consolation, but Rather Deserving of Chastisement — God’s Grace Is Not Given to the Earthly Minded — The Different Motions of Nature and Grace — The Corruption of Nature and the Efficacy of Divine Grace — we Ought of Deny Ourselves and Imitate Christ Through Bearing the Cross — A Man Should Not Be Too Downcast When He Falls Into Defects — High Matters and the Hidden Judgments of God Are Not to Be Scrutinized — All Hope and Trust Are to Be Fixed In God Alone — Book 4. An Invitation to Holy Communion — The Great Reverence With Which We Should Receive Christ — God’s Great Goodness and Love is Shown to Man in This Sacrament — It Is Profitable to Receive Communion Often — Many Blessings Are Given Those Who Receive Communion Worthily — The Dignity of the Sacrament and of the Priesthood — An Inquiry on the Proper Thing to Do Before Communion — The Examination of Conscience and the Resolution to Amend — The Offering of Christ on the Cross; Our Offering — We Should Offer Ourselves and All That We Have to God, Praying for All — Do Not Lightly Forego Holy Communion — The Body of Christ and Sacred Scripture Are Most Necessary to a Faithful Soul — The Communicant Should Prepare Himself for Christ with Great Care — With All Her Heart the Devout Soul Should Desire Union with Christ in the Sacrament — The Ardent Longing of Devout Men for the Body of Christ — The Grace of Devotion is Acquired Through Humility and Self-Denial — We Should Show Our Needs to Christ and Ask His Grace — The Burning Love and Strong Desire to Receive Christ — Man Should Not Scrutinize This Sacrament in Curiosity, but Humbly Imitate Christ and Submit Reason to Holy Faith.

Pub Date: October 1, 2011