End Times Made Easy (Made Easy)


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SKU: 116-0813
UPC: 9798400502385

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End Times Made Easy is an essential primer for understanding the different views Christians have about the last days. In an unbiased way, this book explains what you need to know about the most common end times views. It includes important end-times terms with clear definitions and side-by-side charts comparing the views.

This book will help you answer questions like:

What are the signs of the Second Coming?
What is the book of Revelation about?
What do Christians believe about Israel and the church?
What are the tribulation, the millennium, and the rapture?
Are we living in the last days now?

Four main views explained:

Dispensational premillennialism
Historical premillennialism

Though no one knows the day or hour, Christians agree that Jesus will return just as he promised, and he calls his followers to be watchful and ready at all times.


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