Cremation: Are You Really Sure?


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SKU: 116-0516
UPC: 9781492900511
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Row: 9D, Unit: 2

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With the escalating cost of a traditional funeral, plus the scarcity of burial space, especially in large cities, more and more Christians are opting for cremation. It is convenient and it is far less expensive. But is cremation right or wrong? That is the question. There is not much information on this question in Christian bookstores today and very few pastors even mention it. I have been in church for eighty years and the only sermons I’ve ever heard on cremation are the ones I have preached. I have also searched for written material as well and what I did find was very questionable. Is cremation right or wrong? Does it really matter if Christians bury their dead or burn them? That is the focus of this book.

Pub Date: November 11, 2013


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