Created to be His Help Meet (MP3 CD)


Detailed Product Info
SKU: 122-0823
UPC: 9781892112859

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Listen to Debi Pearl’s best-selling book as read by her daughter, Rebekah Joy Anast, and son, Nathan Pearl. Somewhere over the passing years and changing culture, women have lost their way. This book is written to lead them back home. Regardless of how you began your marriage, or how dark and lonely the path that has brought you to where you are now, you should know that it is possible to have a marriage so good and so fulfilling that it can only be explained as a miracle. What God has done through this book is amazing. We are receiving thousands of letters and e-mails from people giving testimony to marriages restored and made new. Pastors, bookstores, and teachers are ordering and reordering cases. The book now has a new cover and contains a word index at the back of the book to aid you in topical searches


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