The Event

Join us to meet your favorite authors
and get your books signed! Books will
also be available for purchase. Be on
the lookout for authors showcasing
their latest releases! Featured authors
will share about their writing or host
Q&A sessions. 
Discover the authors attending this event in the list below.



Andrea Jo Rogers

Angela Joy Duncan

Bev Marcelline

Andrew Mikelsons

Carol Neelands

Deeanna Dettwiler

Emily Steiner

Jeanne Metcalf

Jean Morby

Joel Francis

Nancy Seiling

Ngozi Elizabeth Mbonu

Dr. Ricardo- Martin Marroquin

Sharon Kuepfer

Tammy Robinson

Tina Fehr

Tori Martin

Valerie Diefenbacher

Darryl Derstine

Della Letkeman

Katrina Hoover Lee

Louise Brubacher

Susan Scott

Ron Letkeman

Elmer Thiessen

Caroline Sealy

Frieda Thiessen

Galen Horst

Joe Groh

Jolene Zimmerman

Kay Jantzi

Paul Wagler

Roselene Yoder

Gary Gradley

Lori Gradely


Session 1- Gaining Insight In Writing

Keynote  Author: Katrina Hoover Lee (Author and Writer of Numerous Books and Various Articles.)


Session 2 & 3- Life Stories, Missions, and Miracles

Keynote Author: Andrea Jo Rodgers (Author of True Stories, Miracles, and Answered Prayers from a First Responder.)


Session 1- Gaining Insight In Writing 

11:00 AM Ron Letkeman.

 11:10 AM Elmer Thiessen

 11:20 AM Ngozi Elizabeth Mbonu

 11:30 AM Galen Horst

 11:40 AM Darryl Derstine

11:50 AM Tammy Robinson

12:00 – 12:30 PM Katrina Hoover Lee


Session 2- Life Stories, Missions, and Miracles

1:30 PM David & Kay Jantzi

1:40 PM Bev Marcelline

1:50 PM Ricardo MartÍn MarroquÍn

2:00 PM Andrew Mikelsons

2:10 PM David & Jolene Zimmerman

2:20 PM Sharon Schnupp Kuepfer

2:30 PM Gary Gradley

2:40 PM Tina Fehr

3:00 – 3:30 PM Andrea Jo Rodgers


Session 3- Life Sories, Missions, and Miracles

4:30 PM Carol Neelands

4:40 PM Della Letkeman

4:50 PM Deeanna Dettwiler

5:00 PM Frieda Thiessen

5:10 PM Joe Groh

5:20 PM Joel Francis 

5:30 PM Nancy Seiling 

5:40 PM Paul Wagler

5:50 PM Susan Scott

6:00 – 6:30 PM Andrea Jo Rodgers 


Evening Session-  Vince Lewis Life Story

7:30 PM Vince Lewis – Sharing his Life Story

Meet the Authors...