Six Boys and a Minivan


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SKU: 104-0164
UPC: 2539

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Life in the beautiful mountains of Switzerland should have been exciting for these six teenage boys, but broken homes and unloving parents made it dull, unhappy and disappointing.

Anything for excitement! But Satan always leads us to go further than we intended, and these boys prove that sin still brings its sad consequences and bitter regrets.

However, Patrick learns that God really does love him and that He gave His Son to die for his sins. It is thrilling and heart-warming to see how the Lord removes the boy’s soul loneliness and brings him into warm relationship with Himself. He finds in his Saviour purpose in life and happiness that he had never known before.

Table of Contents

2.Father to Care for You,
4.Jolly Outlaws
5 .Change of Friends,
6.Secret Plan, The
7.Stolen Keys
8.Stolen Car, The
9.Out of Control
10.Trapped in a Wreck
12.Does God Answer Prayer?
13.Will Patrick Live?
15.Doctor Garnier’s Story
16.Youth Workers Group
17.Carol’s New Interests
18.What Simon Says
19.Payment Plans
20.Another Theft
21.Hiding in the Hut
22.Love Your Enemies
23.Will Patrick Steal Again?
24.Double Surprise, A
25.Shocking News
26.Will They Have Enough?
27.Delivering the Surprise
28.Mollett’s Delight