Babies, Bullets, and Bee Stings


Detailed Product Info
SKU: 104-2486
UPC: 9781634520874
In Store Location:
Row: 10, Unit: G, Shelf: 3

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Babies, Bullets, and Bee Stings: Memories of a Missionary Midwife
In this fast-paced account of a farm-girl from a preacher’s home who develops into a medical missionary, the reader is treated to a first-person account of what life is like on various mission fields in Central America. Her story spans baby deliveries by flashlight to veterinary-level treatment of injured horses-while the town’s folk watch in awe. Her experiences reveal a brave mother and wife whose singular purpose in life is to share the Gospel with as many as possible. After graduating from a prestigious medical college, Hannah turned away from an incredibly large salary offer as a certified nurse-midwife-only to practice medical nursing on dirt floors and primitive clinics. This volume takes the reader to the front lines of missionary life and service, and reveals to the rest of us what it means to serve God in other lands. Includes 16 pages of colored photos.


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