Willmington’s Guide to the Bible Anniversary


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SKU: 116-0272
UPC: 9781414329710
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Row: 9, Unit: A, Shelf: 1

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For more than thirty years, hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life have turned to Willmington’s Guide to the Bible to help them navigate God’s Word. In this book, Willmington provides a concise and exhaustive summary of basic Bible information in one volume. It’s a complete Bible education in one book?an essential book for everyone’s library. Dr. Willmington has updated this classic with twenty-five percent new content, including new sections on all the people of the Bible, the miracles and parables of the Bible, and a panoramic overview of the Bible’s events. The theology section has been rewritten in an easy-to-use, question-and-answer format. This is a classic, completely revised, updated, and expanded for the twenty-first century.


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