The Biblical Doctrine of Authority


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SKU: 116-0319
UPC: 9780739925775
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God holds ultimate control over all of His creation. He establishes laws, institutions, and authority to maintain order in His creation. He delegates authority to men to regulate conduct and to maintain peace in the home, the church, and the government But that in no way diminishes God’s authority over all things.
We properly exercise authority only as we subject ourselves to God and to those whom He has set over us. As we submit to God and his delegated authority, we achieve our highest purpose and ultimate usefulness. If we resist God’s will and rebel against those whom He has set over us, we condemn ourselves. Whosoever therefore resisted the power, resisted the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation Romans 13:2
God gave us life, order and authority to do His will in earth, as in heaven. In this life, God allows us to choose how we will respond to His will. But ultimately, God will bring all things back into subjection to Himself.


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