Pamphlet: 10 Questions & Answers on Angels


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SKU: 116-0727
UPC: 9781596362833

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10 Questions &; Answers on Mormonism is an excellent tool for outreach and missions groups, or for anyone wanting to understand more about this controversial religious group. This compelling Q & A pamphlet examines 10 critical questions regarding the beliefs and practices of Latter-day Saints (LDS) and responds with what the Bible teaches about each: 1. Did the Christian church really need to be restored? 2. Was Joseph Smith a true prophet of God? 3. What is Mormon scripture? 4. Is the Bible trustworthy Scripture? 5. Is the Book of Mormon an ancient document? 6. Is the God of Mormonism the God of the Bible? 7. Does Mormonism teach the truth about Jesus? 8. Can we earn our salvation? 9. Why do Mormons build temples? 10. Does Mormonism teach polygamy? 10 Questions & Answers on Mormonism pamphlet provides answers to 10 of the most important questions regarding Mormonism.   Readers and students of other religions and cults will find answers to these and other claims Mormons make: After the death of the original apostles, the church slipped into the Great Apostasy. Joseph Smith, the church’s founder, is a modern prophet, seer, and revelatory revealing divine truth. Mormonism claims four standard works or writings including the Bible, but also the Book of Mormon, The Pearl of Great Price, and the Doctrines and Covenants. All humans pre-existed in heaven before becoming human. After he rose from the dead, Jesus went to the Americas. Sin that is not overcome robs the Mormon of any assurance of reaching the celestial kingdom. Mormonism believes that God is one among many gods stretching into eternity past. This pamphlet explores the beliefs, practices and history of this controversial group, including interesting ideas and prophecies by founder Joseph Smith.  Among many other ideas, many Mormons believe: The restoration of true Christianity began when God and Jesus appeared to Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith is second only to Jesus. The Book of Mormon is the most correct of any book on earth. God was a mortal who attained his exalted state by obedience to eternal laws and principles.  The 10 Questions & Answers on Mormonism includes a Glossary of Mormon Terms.  The glossary is extremely helpful to those who desire to witness to Mormons.

Pub Date: August 25, 2008


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