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Topics include: What is Intelligent Design? Explains the topic of design prior to Darwin, natural selection, and specified complexity. How Does ID Differ from Creationism and Evolution? Compares the differences. Why Is Design Important? Explains naturalism and ideology and why they matter. Is Darwinism Scientific Fact? Dawkins claimed that biological origins are the true scientists and ID is merely religion. This section helps to sort out those issues. Is ID Science? Explores the 3 common objections to ID as science. What is Irreducible Complexity? Complex systems are not likely to emerge suddenly, according to Darwin, but what about the bacterial flagellum? Can Darwinism Explain Life’s Origin? See the 3 key strategies for explaining the cell apart from design; chemical evolution, self organization, panspermia. Where Does Biological Information Come From? How can specified complexity in living organisms arise apart from Intelligent Design? Is the Universe Designed? Is there intelligence behind the running of this universe? How is this world we live in so perfectly suited to life? What About Bad Design and Evil? What can be said about the Panda’s Thumb? Was this a mistake? Did God resort to a collection of spare parts? How did moral evil change the way our world operates today? Guide to 10 Common Objections gives some quick responses to objections about Intelligent Design.
Pub Date: September 20, 2018
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