Created To Be His Help Meet 10th Anniversary Edition-Revised, Expanded


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SKU: 118-3547
UPC: 9781616440756
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Created to Be His Help Meet, first published 10 years ago, has sold over 500,000 copies in 12 languages. I am amazed, reading the testimonies of woman in England, India, Saudi Arabia, China, Australia, and many other countries, as they share how their marriages have been saved and enriched through these biblical truths. Over the years I have learned from these many women, and, responding to their cries for help, have added TWO NEW CHAPTERS and other small revisions to address their needs. One of the new chapters is called, Servant or Servitude? There is a difference. One is godly, the other devilish. Did we fail to make that distinction clear enough the first time around? Some have indicated such. So we tackled the subject head on. May God continue to bless you as you read and obey the wonderful words of God. The night my husband had a major heart attack, while in transport to the hospital, and in terrible pain, he grabbed my hand and made me promise I would write the book for ladies that I had been planning to write for over 20 years. I had boxes of papers that dated back to my young teens that included notes gleaned from sermons by preacher long since dead, tidbits from newspapers, pages ripped from several decades of old Sunday School journals and magazines, and jotted down notes uttered by many unsuspecting ladies. Anything concerning marriage that found a place in my heart and in an old box was kept. When my husband came home from the hospital he set up an office for me. He patiently taught me how to cut and paste and several other tricky things on the computer until he was sure I could do my job. Then very early every morning for three weeks he walked me to my new office and said he would be back with my lunch and supper. I went through the old box of wisdom, typed in the things I found inside, looked up the Scriptures, and wrote what was on my heart. Created to Be His Help Meet came together quickly. After I was finished, he worked several weeks editing the messy document. Then right after Christmas of 2004, the first books rolled off the press. It is 2014, the 10th anniversary. I am glad to report my husband has not only survived, he has thrived. Created to Be His Help Meet has thrived as well. It is now in 12 languages, with contracts from different publishing companies and distributors all over the world. Today more is sold in China than here in the USA. Women all over the world are learning how to honor their husbands. They are opening up their Bibles to see if the things I wrote are really in the Bible. Many are falling in love for the first time in their married life as they lay down anger and bitterness and learn to be cherished. Some are coming to know the Savior, and many of the ladies write that their husbands are willing to consider God due to the amazing change in their life. We have seen good fruit; much good fruit. I now have another box stuffed with ideas, letters I have received these last few years from women who read the