180 Days of Spelling and Word Study for Fourth Grade


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SKU: 108-1384
UPC: 9781425833121
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Row: 13, Unit: J

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Provide fourth grade students with 180 days of daily practice to build their knowledge of spelling rules, conventions, and patterns. Students gain regular practice with word study through these quick, diagnostic-based activities. This 4th grade spelling workbook features 15 word lists each week and worksheets that are fun, engaging, and challenging for students. Ideal for after school, intervention, or homework, the word lists and activities are based on 10 years of classroom-tested experience. Activities include:AnalogiesHomophonesSentence typesSentence completionsPrefixes, suffixes, and rootsSynonyms and antonymsInflectional endingsDigital resources include assessment analysis tools. With this easy-to-use resource, teachers can easily add daily word study to their literacy block and help students boost their spelling and word study skills in a hurry!


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