Pamphlet Free Will vs. Predestination


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SKU: 116-0774
UPC: 9781596364783

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This popular Freewill vs. Predestination Pamphlet compares the beliefs of Calvinism and Arminianism on 5 key topics. This Calvinism and Arminianism comparison chart is helpful for personal use, adult Bible study, Sunday school lessons, and homeschool curriculum.
This Free Will vs. Predestination Pamphlet Includes
History Timeline of Key Events
Predestination Timeline: Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Reformed Churches, Synod of Dort
Arminianism Timeline: Pelagius, Erasmus of Ratterdam, Albert Pighius, Arminius, Remonstrants
Shows where Free Will vs. Predestination views agree
Biblical passages supporting each view. Helps Christians develop an appreciation and respect for each other’s beliefs
Glossary of words: Arminian Points, Prevenient Grace, Regeneration, Remonstrance, Saints, Synod, and TULIP.
The Free Will vs. Predestination pamphlet provides a side-by-side comparison chart of Arminianism and Calvinism on:
Free Will and Total Inability
Security of the Believer
What’s at Stake in the Calvinism vs. Arminianism Debate?
The two views have many practical implications. Do people have free will or does God predestine them to be saved? If God elects us, is there any reason to spread the Gospel? Can a person lose his salvation? This easy-to-understand pamphlet compares the teachings of Arminianism with Calvinism and gives the key Bible verses you need to understand this important topic.
Some people have strong feelings about salvation via free will versus predestination. Both sides use Bible passages to state their case and often the discussion can go in many different directions.


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