Four Views of the End Times: Views on Jesus’ Second Coming


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SKU: 116-0725
UPC: 9781596360891

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End-Times Bible Prophecy Explained The major Christian millennial views on the end times are compared in this Four Views of the End Times pamphlet. This brief summary of end-times prophecies and the Book of Revelation can be read in 30 minutes or less. Introduction to Bible Prophecy about the End Times. List of the Signs of the End Times; Jesus’ and Paul’ Teachings on the End Times; What all Christians Agree On: Jesus is Coming Again, and We Should All Be Ready; 4 End-Times Prophecy Timelines; Definitions of End Times Phrases: Church age, Millennium, Rapture, Great Tribulation, Preterism, and more. Glossary of terms in the Book of Revelation: 666, The Beast, Antichrist, Armageddon, mark of the best, and more. Each End-Times Prophecy Viewpoint Includes: Definition of the View In 400 Words or Less, Dispensational Premillennialism – also called Premil Dispensationalism, Historical Premillennialism – also called Historical Premil, Amillennialism – also called Amil, Postmillennialism – also called Postmil; An End-Times Timeline graphic; What is the Main Focus or Emphasis of this View? How is the Modern State of Israel viewed? Which Scriptures Seem to Support this View? When Was This View Introduced? How long has it been popular? Who has supported this view? Which Christian leaders hold this eschatological view? Comparison of 4 Eschatology Timelines Definition of Eschatology – The part of theology that focuses on the last things: the final events in the history of the world. Each timeline shows (where applicable): Church Age, Tribulation, Millennium, Second Coming of Jesus Christ, Final Judgment, Eternity. Historical Premillennialism – Historical Premil 1. Amillennialism – Amil2. Postmillennialism – Postmil 3. Dispensational Premillennialism – Premil Dispensationalism showing 3 possible Rapture scenarios: Pre-tribulation, Mid-Tribulation, or Post-Tribulation