The Chariot of Israel -Exploits of the Prophet of Elijah


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SKU: 118-0162
UPC: 9780915540334
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Row: 9, Unit: A, Shelf: 3

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William C. Varner received a B.A. in Bible and Greek from Bob Jones University, an S.T.M. in New Testament from Biblical Theological Seminar, an M.A. in Judaic Studies from Dropsic College, and a Doctor of Education degree from Temple University. Dr. Varner spent 10 years as the Dean of the Institute of Jewish Studies, sponsored by The Friends of Israel. Currently, he serves as Director of IBEX semester-in-Israel program at The Master’s College, Santa Clarita, California, wich honored him in 1999 as Teacher of the Year. Dr. Varner is a Professor of Old Testament, biblical exposition, and Greek.


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