The Lord’s Prayer | Study


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SKU: 117-0205
UPC: 9781954742956
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Row: 1, Unit: F

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The Lord’s Prayer | 3 Week Study

Why do we pray? How do we pray? Does it matter what we say in our prayers? We know that as believers we should pray, but sometimes we struggle with connecting the dots in our own spiritual walks. Thankfully, Jesus speaks to this very important spiritual discipline and models what it looks like for us to grow in our devotion to Him through prayer.

The Lord’s Prayer is a 3-week study that equips believers to:

Recognize the theologically rich foundation that Jesus models for us in prayer.
Understand the elements of a meaningful prayer life.
See prayer as an overflow of love rather than an obligation.
Special resources within study:

List of Benedictions in Scripture
Chart of the Petitions of the Lord’s Prayer
31 Days of Prayer Guide
What is the Gospel?
Key themes: Prayer, God’s Sovereignty, Dependence, Holiness, Forgiveness,


This study is perfect for individuals or groups.
Each week contains five days of study material, including daily study questions, a weekly memory verse, and weekly reflection questions.
Measures 8×10
Includes 85 pages


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