100 Things to Know When Dating


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SKU: 116-0843
UPC: 9781890947408
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What should men and women consider about members of the opposite sex? This full-color, bestselling, 12-panel pamphlet gets to the heart of what really matters by presenting 100 Things to Know When Dating, Important topics to consider and discuss include character, responsibility, Christian faith, honesty, motivation, habits, addictions, and danger areas, among others. 100 Things to Know When Dating includes preliminary counsel from Scripture, biblical advice on breaking up, encouragement after a break-up, and helpful Relationship Risk Quiz. Size: 8.5x 5.5 unfolds to 33 long. Fits inside most Bible covers. How can two people approach dating carefully and with respect for each other? By answering 100 questions outlined in this compelling pamphlet. The pamphlet is excellent tool for singles of all ages and provides information on several different levels, including: Basics–For example, Does this person still live at home? Why? Faith and character– For example, Does this person do kind and loving things for others without being asked? Lifestyle–Does this person have odd opinions, poor manners, or trouble keeping friends? Personality traits–Do you find yourself apologizing for his/her behavior? Deeper issues–Does he/she hold you down and tickle you when it is no longer fun? Dating is fun and exciting, but may have moments that are difficult and awkward. This informative pamphlet can help avoid the pain of incompatibility by offering preliminary questions and ideas to consider. One hundred questions form the bulk of the pamphlet, covering basic information; basics about faith and character; basics about lifestyle; personality traits; and deeper issues. Here is asampling: How often does his/her family get together? Does this person get along with other people in his or her family? Does this person seem to have a vital relationship with God or does he or she just say religious things? (1 John 2: 3-6) Does he or she joke or brag about doing wrong things? (Proverbs 10: 23) Does this person flirt with others or treat you with respect? (1 Corinthians 13) Is he or she irritable, unforgiving, stubborn or looking for an opportunity to take revenge? (Matthew 5: 38-39) Does he or she talk about past relationships often? Is their anything about him or her you would not want your parents or friends to know? These questions encourage singles to consider what could become a more serious issue. Some questions offer scriptural answers or points to consider. For example, the question Is this person jealous about your time with friends and family? is followed by Proverbs 27: 4 as a point to ponder: Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy? The pamphlet also includes a section of recommendations with key Scripture verses for courtship and marriage, such as: Listen and Slow Down–James 1: 19, 20 My dear brothers, take note of this: everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not


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