Art with a Purpose Artpac 1


Detailed Product Info
SKU: 106-0030
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Row: 11, Unit: J2 Spinner

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Artpac 1 includes instruction in the following art skills:• Coloring within lines, smooth complete coverage• Coloring without voids, and directional lines• Shading a picture to bring out the 3D depth and shapes• How and where to use light or vivid coloring• How to feather crayon with an eraser• Introduction to working with grids• Cutting on the line with a scissors and/or sharp knife• How to glue without getting everything messy• Three dimensional artwork• Making greeting cards• Quick sketches matched with poetry• Facial features and where to put them• Make paper snowflakes• Tracing and adding detail to an outline• Sillouettes• Using a ruler for straight lines• Drawing and sketching with ovals• Simple facial features


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