The Epistle to the Hebrews


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SKU: 116-0322
UPC: 9780739925768
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Row: 9, Unit: B, Shelf: 3

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On what Scriptual and logical bases does the work of Jesus Christ surpass and supersede the provisions of the Old Testament Law?

If redemption through Jesus Christ provides a richer, more complete dimension than did atonement through the Law, where is the stability of the Old Testament Law and traditions? the appeal of the Old Testament ceremonies and sacrifices? the glory of the temple and the activities that surrounded it?

Are the Judaizers right to insist that observing the Old Testament Law is an essential part of believing that Jesus Christ is the Massiah?

Questions such as these perplexed many Jewish believers of the first century A.D. In this Epistles, to the Hebrews, God, through an anonymous author, has given believers a clear insight into the relationship of the New Covenant to the Old. The theme of this carefully crafted and logically developed epistle can be summarized thus:The finished work of Jesus Christ provides eternal redemption for those who by faith enter into the New Covenant and continue in the new and living way.


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