Pamphlet: Parables of Jesus


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SKU: 116-0757
UPC: 9781596363823

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Parables of Jesus discussion and study questions: Jesus used parables to explain truths about God’s Kingdom. These stories bring us wisdom, comfort, and instruction. Read panels 1, 11-13 on Interpretation of Parables to understand the basics of parables and how Jesus used them. Using the suggestions on panel 12, study these parables to get started-The Pharisee and the Tax Collector – #38. Read from Luke 18:19-14 The Good Samaritan – #23. Read from Luke 10:30-37 The Rich Fool – #25. Read from Luke 12:16-21 Using the steps on panel 13, go deeper with each of these parables. You may want to use a study Bible or a commentary to find out the cultural and historical background. Now that you have studied these three parables, read through the remaining 36 parables and choose three more to study. How are they similar? How different? Continue through the rest of the parables. Identify the main points. Application: What is the most important characteristic of God you identified in each of these parables? Knowing this about God and his kingdom, how should people live and make their decisions? Pick one area in your life that you would handle differently as a result of this insight. What specifically will you do this week?

Pub Date: July 21, 2010


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