Object Lessons: 100 Lessons from Everyday Life- Backordered no ETA


Detailed Product Info
SKU: 117-0001
UPC: 9780802460295
In Store Location:
Row: 13, Unit: I, Shelf: 4

Only 2 left in stock

What good is a broken fingernail? What can you do with a frying pan, a hammer, and an egg? How is a balloon different from a brick? The world around us is full of items useful for interesting and meaningful object lessons. Dr. Ryrie uses pencils, light bulbs, sunglasses, and even the air around us to illustrate truths about salvation and the Christian life. All of the objects are simple and easy to find, and the lessons can be used for any group of any age. Children and adults alike will enjoy learning more when you present these fascinating illustrations.


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