In God We Don’t Trust Paperback


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SKU: 118-2431
UPC: 9780924722257
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The product of nine years of research, In God We Don’t Trust challenges much of what most of us learned in school about the founding of America and the American Revolution. Bercot ‘s well-documented findings will surprise many people. Here are just a few of the surprising facts the book reveals: Tobacco saved Jamestown and became the economic basis for many of the Southern states. Rum distilleries were one of the main industries of Puritan New England. Puritan New England dominated the slave trafficking industry. Contrary to what most history books present, the American colonists were the least heavily taxed people in the world. During the War of Independence, the revolutionists imprisoned and persecuted the Mennonites, Amish, Brethren, Quakers, and other nonresistant Christians. The Founding Fathers deliberately left any mention of God out of the U. S. Constitution. Here is the compelling narrative of the founding of America told from a perspective that few people have ever heard. That perspective is the teachings of Jesus. Our currency declares, In God We Trust. But did the American colonists truly trust in God in the founding of the United States? For example, in the Scriptures, God clearly commands us: Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God. Therefore whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God. . . . Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due (Rom. 13:1 2,7). Yet, the American colonists to refused to pay their taxes, and they rebelled against their government. The American colonists had many admirable traits, and they established a wonderful country. This is not an anti-American book. It is a pro-Jesus book. Bercot firmly believes that Jesus and His kingdom always have to have our ultimate allegiance. And in the pages of this book, Bercot demonstrates that the colonists repeatedly failed to do things God s way. This was true in their treatment of the Indians, in trafficking slaves, in building economies on tobacco and rum, in smuggling, and in refusing to pay their taxes. In short, the colonists lacked the faith to believe that if they did things God s way, everything would work out for the best.