The Other Side of the River


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SKU: 118-2515
UPC: 9780979131509
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Row: 6, Unit: D, Shelf: 3

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The Other Side of the River: When Mystical Experiences and Strange Doctrines Overtake His Church One Man Risks All to Find the Truth a True Story

A compelling and deeply personal account of a young man’s spiritual plunge into a movement called the River. Sometimes referred to as the River Revival, the Third Wave or the Latter Rain, this movement is marked by bizarre manifestations, false prophecies and esoteric revelations. Warnings of divine retribution hold many adherents in a bondage of fear, making them afraid to speak out or even question those things they are taught and are witness to. In a biographical setting, The Other Side of the River, is a powerful and needed warning to the body of Christ. In a day and age when church-growth techniques mixed with mystical practices are leaving a wreckage of human lives littered with the debris of false doctrine. For Kevin Reeves, his determination to rescue his family came to the forefront, even if the cost was high and even if he had to stand alone. His journey back into the freedom and simplicity of Jesus Christ would be worth the price.