The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary -6TH ed


Detailed Product Info
SKU: 116-0570
UPC: 9780877796770
In Store Location:
Row: 13, Unit: F, Shelf: 4

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NEW Edition!

Written by the word experts at Merriam-Webster, this mass-market paperback SCRABBLE dictionary is the comprehensive book that millions of SCRABBLE players consider the only necessary resource for winning the game!

Features more than 100,000 playable two- to eight- letter words including many newly added entries from a variety of fields.

Updated to include new vocabulary such as facepalm, listicle, bitcoin, and emoji.

Includes variant spelling with expanded coverage of Canadian and British words. Main entries offer a brief definition, a part-of-speech label, and inflected forms for fast, easy word validation.

For homeschooling and remote learning students, it can be a fun way to build vocabulary.

Endorsed by the North American SCRABBLE Players Association for recreational and school use.

Pub Date: June 1, 2018


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