Maxi-Milk 4 oz


Detailed Product Info
SKU: 440-1005
UPC: 813086012443

Only 2 left in stock

Lactation Support for Nursing Moms
Increase breast milk
Richer, higher-quality milk
For a happy, thriving baby
Nearly all healthcare professionals agree that mom’s milk is the best for babies. Maxi-Milk is a special blend of herbs that work to not only increase your milk supply, but also to make it richer and more satisfying for your baby.

Busy new moms love the convenience of simply adding Maxi-Milk to a glass of water; no more tea making! There are no known side effects to your baby when you use Maxi-Milk to encourage a more satisfying milk supply. In fact, babies tend to gain very well and be more content.

TIP: Taking with a calcium supplement, such as HC Formula, may make the difference from success and failure in nursing. Take calcium with meals for best absorption.

Dosage Suggestions:
Health Canada: (Adults) 4 droppers six times a day

Mountain Meadow Herbs: 1/4 – 1/2 tsp. in warm water. Shake well. Take 1-4 times daily, or as needed. (1 dropperful = 1/8 tsp)

NOTE: Begin use after delivery and not while expecting.

Alfalfa leaf, Blessed thistle herb, Sweet fennel seed, Marshmallow root, Anise seed, Chastetree berry, Lemon balm leaf, Milk thistle seed, Stinging nettle leaf, Peppermint leaf, Red raspberry leaf, Ashwaghanda root, Fenugreek seed

Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Vegetable Glycerine, Distilled Water, and approx. Organic Grain Alcohol

NPN 80053023


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